Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

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 The magic & majesty which is, Quartz,

Quartz crystals act as a transducer of energy, meaning it can transform what is considered a lower or dense vibration to a higher, more refined frequency and form. When the crystal is activated through sound as in the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, an effect called acoustic luminescence is triggered. Sound produces light or radiance in the cell while increasing natural harmony and vitality. Light, in the language of the mystics, is the body’s highest intelligence embedded as advanced harmonic codes stored at the subatomic core of every cell. Not only does our physical body experience change, our brainwave frequencies and conscious thought patterns change as well. When a crystal singing bowl is activated, the sound and harmonic rhythms synchronize with the neurons in the brain along with the crystalline structure of the physical body. Entrainment is the key in mind body healing because it allows you to change how you perceive yourself in time and space. Crystal Sound Energy produces a coherent brain state allowing a person to draw from one’s infinite cellular wisdom, think clearly and creatively while gently raising the vibratory rate throughout the whole-body system.

When holding an intention, we optimize the impact of crystal sound energy. The complex harmonic tones of a gemstone, metal or mineral-infused Alchemy Singing Bowl, paired with authentic intention can change your electromagnetic energy field, raise your vibration, shift brainwave frequencies and change conscious awareness, therefore stimulating remarkable restorative results.

The sound vibrations emanating from the crystal singing bowls recalibrate the listener’s body, intially by opening, clearing, and re-balancing the body’s energy vortexes or chakras, and re-balancing the high heart.

With their resonant, pure-tone frequencies and the innate properties of crystal that amplify, transmit and store energy, these exquisite instruments are powerful tools which can be used to enhance meditation and prayer and to support healing. Whether combined with mantra and prayerful intention crystal singing bowls help entrain mind, body and spirit to a more harmonious experience of peace, well-being and balance.
