an unforgettable ceremonial experience with the spirit of cacao, in the comfort of your own hOme

*1:1 & group sessions available by request

from the lush soils of Guatemala

Sound & Sacrament at home ritualistic journey includes;

~ Ancient Blossom Ceremonial Cacao (1lb)

~ A library of carefully curated & channeled pieces by Nyah including alchemy crystal bowl sound journey’s, icaros (magic songs), meditations & ways to devote through ritual

~ x2 special altar pieces with invocations & contemplations for connecting with your Self & the medicine of cacao in a sacred way

This is an offering for those who wish to connect deeper with Self & The Spirit of Nature through Ritual at home.

Delve deep into the magic of icaros, healing sound journeys & meditations, all which have been channeled through a deep state of listening & receptivity.

This is a space for Remembrance.

In Honour of All That Is.

This is a space for all beings, if you have been working with the Medicine of Cacao & wish to go deeper with her, or if you are feeling the call to work with Cacao for the first time alike, all is welcome & will receive equally.


The heart medicine of cacao, is a keeper of unconditional love & eternal wisdom of our Mother Earth. Cacao invites us home, into the sacred chamber of the heart, to Remember the deepest truth of who we are & our interconnectedness with Great Spirit.

By journeying with this beautiful teacher of ancient wisdom, we enter into a mystical union through ritual, where overtime, as we cultivate our relationship with Her, cacao may reveal herself to us and share the forgotten secrets of the heart, that she & all plants, have been living through, and as, for eons.

In communing with this medicine from the land of the maya, and in our listening, we learn how to love Mother Earth, and how to love one another, in all ways.

This sacred medicines was given as a gift to humanity, as a teaching vessel on how to access peace within, by reconciling with pure innocence, through the power of presence, prayer & ritual.

𓆸 100% organic single-origin premium cacao

𓆸 ethically sourced, produced & packaged

𓆸 supports sustainable growth of small scale farmers in Guatemala

𓆸 supports reforestration of land that has suffered ecological destruction from corrupt agricultural & business practice

𓆸 protects & preserves the most biodiverse region in Guatemala

𓆸 Empowers Mayan farmers with fair wages & quality time over excess roasting hours

𓆸 each block is for myotoxins to ensure the highest quality medicine

𓆸 gluten free

𓆸 vegan

Please email the following email to order limited edition of Ancient Blossom

Nice words

by Talitha Ferri

Cacao originates from the Mayas and Aztecs in Central and South America.

To journey with cacao is an ancient tradition whereby her spirit and her medicinal properties are honoured and celebrated as a sacred drink in a space of togetherness at ceremonies or rituals. In the early days it was honoured and sacrificed at fire ceremonies, child birth, and weddings. Cacao is recognised as a gift from the gods and helps us shift down from the head (mind) into the heart. She is also known to open the throat and the sacral chakras, such as assisting in deep women’s work (womb wisdom), knowing and speaking one's truth, & alignment with one’s sacred path or life purpose. Cacao is known as a medicine that’s helps us heal and transform. It is a wonderful catalyst for healing work, meditation, creative expression, and supports us in making a connection with the chamber of our heart and experiencing a deeper connection with ourselves and the great mystery around us.

The spirit of Cacao is Motherly, and all embracing. She is a potent yet loving teacher, and her frequency in powerful & majestic. She loves to sing and dance, & in my eyes, she is an untamed expression of beautiful creativity. And just as much, she loves to go deep within, gently unveiling aspects of self that need some tending to. She is an all encompassing space holder, allowing one to access deep forgiveness, acceptance, & trust.

π“„£ The Benefits of Cacao π“„£

𓆃 Lifts the energetic vibration into the space of The Heart

𓆃 Significantly elevates mood & frequency 

𓆃 Can assist in shifting one into a state of love, bliss and euphoria

𓆃 Energetically uplifts the body & offers enhanced focus in body, mind & spirit

𓆃 Offers us a spiritual connection through ritual, intention & prayer

𓆃 Superfood that contains 30%-50% of healthy fats that are vital for the absorptions of the nutrients

𓆃 Plantbased source of magnesium and iron

𓆃 High in minerals such a zink, potasium & caclium

𓆃 High in antioxidants

𓆃 Helps food cravings & can assist in weight management

𓆃 Helps keep mental illness like anxiety and depression at bay

𓆃 Long-term flavanol intake results in neurocognitive enhancement and neuroprotection

Magical Components

𓁼 Theobromine 𓁼

heart opening & simulating (heart rate and blood circulation can increase upto 20%)

aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, stress relieving, improved memory

𓁼 Tryptophan 𓁼

produces serotonin and melatonin

𓁼 Dopamine 𓁼

happy hormone that increases mood, motivation & creativity, sharper focus, & pleasure
𓁼 Anandamide 𓁼

β€œbliss molecule” - increases feelings of euphoria

𓁼 Serotonin 𓁼

accelerates the vibrations of happiness & optimism

𓁼 Melatonin 𓁼

helps relaxation & regulate the circadian rhythm

𓁼 Pea 𓁼

the β€œlove molecule” - that creates a feeling of love, pleasure, emotional well-being, & stimulates happy hormones & improves libido function & arousal. Phenylethylamine is known to be a potent anti-depressant

Testimonial from the ancient blossom at home ritual journey

A few nice words by Talitha Ferri.


A cherished recipe for your ritual at home

˚Amber Spice˚

𓆃 Make the base

  • Heat the water/ milk of your choice (never add cacao to boiling liquid, as this is known to burn the spirit & medicinal qualities out of the medicine)

  • Add 1 tablespoon of tahini / macademia / almond butter

  • Add spices; pinch of ginger, chilli, cardamom, optional salt (to desired taste)

  • Add 1/2 drop of wild orange essential oil (to desired taste)

  • Add the cacao medicine, see dosage below

  • Add honey (to desired taste)

𓆃 To froth or not to froth!?

Using a blender or milk frother, mix all ingredients, OR slowly stir on the heat to melt ingredients with a wooden spoon

𓆃 Set your heartfelt intentions and prayer or sing her a song!

˚Heavenly Rose˚

𓆃 Make the base

  • Infuse a generous pinch of organic rose petals with water/ milk of your choice (never add cacao to boiling liquid, as this is known to burn the spirit & medicinal qualities out of the medicine)

  • Add 1 teaspoon of tahini (optional)

  • Add spices; 2 pinches of cardamom

  • Add the cacao medicine, see dosage below

  • Add honey (to desired taste)

𓆃 To froth or not to froth!?

Using a blender or milk frother, mix all ingredients, OR slowly stir on the heat to melt ingredients with a wooden spoon

𓆃 Set your heartfelt intentions and prayer or sing her a song!

Λšβ™‘Λš Dosage Λšβ™‘Λš

𓆃 15grams & 80ml water for meditative & creative use

𓆃 21-33gr/150-180ml water for a ceremonial dose

Please email the following email to pre-order limited edition of Ancient Blossom

Available for shipping within Europe in April 2024