A safe & sacred space to tune into The Temple of The Heart & The Body’s Innate Wisdom.
Deeply rest in The Great Mystery, as you are lovingly & softly held by the sacred vibrations of sound.
The Spirit of The Plant & Crystal Queendom, Prayers, & Sacred Songs & Icaros of the Heart are sung with great reverence & humility, alongside powerful healing instruments including Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, & several other shamanic instruments & elemental chimes.
In this ceremony, we journey through a soundscape, returning to the inner worlds effortlessly, coming to a deep place of mystical seeing & healing, allowing the body to return to a place of harmony and equilibrium.
This is a graceful self healing journey, in communion with Cosmic Forces, & the assistance of benevolent guides, & Nyah’s support and gentle holding.
…Hear the whispers of your Soul…
…as the stream of your Oracular Wisdom anchors…
In the sound journey, Nyah sings Icaros (healing songs) that she receives intuitively in the moment. Icaros are shamanic songs or melodies that are gifted to The People, by The Plants. The songs invoke an experience of body, mind & soul healing and are known to be medicine for cleaning & purifying The Being, as well as protecting the energetic field. They assist people in returning Home to Wholeness & Homeostasis. These songs have an Ancient essence to them, which inevitably invokes a deep state of Remembrance. These sacred songs act as an ancient technology which is so deeply interwoven with the pure power of nature, which encourages healing and transmutation & dissolution of energies and spirits that are not in alignment with love. Icaros invoke inner power, soul purification, protection from illness, dis-ease, ancestral trauma, and negative energies. Nyah started receiving Icaros shortly after her own initiation deep in the Amazon Jungle in 2019.
If you wish for a glimpse into the inner world of Nyah’s souls song, please close your eyes and bring your awareness gently into the space of your heart, enjoy a few deep breaths, grounding into the body, grounding into presence & press play below whenever you feel ready, if it feels comfortable you may gently close your eyes.
Alchemy Crystal Bowls are made from the highest grade of pure crystal quartz, their resonant, pure-tone frequencies and the innate properties of crystal amplify, transmit and re-store energy. These exquisite instruments are powerful tools which we will use to enhance self inquiry, meditation, & prayer. The crystal singing bowls bring the mind, body and spirit to a deeper & more harmonious state of peace, well-being and balance as the sound vibrations emanating from the crystal singing bowls recalibrate the listener’s body, intially by opening, clearing, and re-balancing the body’s energy vortexes or chakras, and re-balancing the high heart.
A little bit about Quartz,
Quartz crystals act as a transducer of energy, meaning it can transform what is considered a lower or dense vibration to a higher, more refined frequency and form. When the crystal is activated through sound as in the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, an effect called acoustic luminescence is triggered. Sound produces light or radiance in the cell while increasing natural harmony and vitality. Light, in the language of the mystics, is the body’s highest intelligence embedded as advanced harmonic codes stored at the subatomic core of every cell. Not only does our physical body experience change, our brainwave frequencies and conscious thought patterns change as well. When a crystal singing bowl is activated, the sound and harmonic rhythms synchronize with the neurons in the brain along with the crystalline structure of the physical body. Entrainment is the key in mind body healing because it allows you to change how you perceive yourself in time and space. Crystal Sound Energy produces a coherent brain state allowing a person to draw from one’s infinite cellular wisdom, think clearly and creatively while gently raising the vibratory rate throughout the whole-body system.
When holding an intention, we optimize the impact of crystal sound energy. The complex harmonic tones of a gemstone, metal or mineral-infused Alchemy Singing Bowl, paired with authentic intention can change your electromagnetic energy field, raise your vibration, shift brainwave frequencies and change conscious awareness, therefore stimulating remarkable restorative results.
Nyah offers One on One Sacred Sound Ceremonies in her home, & a regular ceremonial offering in Lush, Lake Atitlan, in Guatemala.
Nyah offers personalised sacred sound journeys that can be recorded for specific transformational occasions such as pregnancy and labor.
Heart Felt Investment
⋆ Multiple session bundles are available upon request at a discounted rate.